Monday, June 24, 2013

Winners of Teen Essay Contest 2013

Doreen Pacini - The 1st Place Winner of High School Group
I enjoyed writing this essay because it made me realize all the diversity in my life.  It was fun learning about all the different cultures and backgrounds of my friends. I am also very glad San Francisco is a culturally diverse city because I can appreciate and embrace not only the different colorful parades but all the numerous neighborhoods. I am so grateful for all the diversity around me, especially in my Girl Scout troop- where everyone is different in so many ways. I sincerely enjoyed writing this essay-it was really fun!  Doreen Pacini- 10th grade SOTA

Erica Kong - The 1st Place Winner of Middle School Group
Thank you SFPL and Jewel for hosting this essay contest. This contest has meant so much to me. It gave me an opportunity to talk about a topic that my friends and I normally don't discuss; it encouraged me to think outside the box. Although the topic was challenging, it was rewarding that I've learned a lot from it. Most importantly, I had fun while writing this! This is an exciting contest that you can "show off" your writing talents as well as get prizes for your talents. I will extremely recommend teens to participate in the future!

Jaysen Shi - The 2nd Place Winner of Middle School Group
Dear Chinatown Teen Zine,
Thanks for hosting the contest! I really enjoyed writing the essay, and it has taught me a lot. I have learned more about Asian culture influencing and making America a better place. It is an honor to have won second place in the Teen Essay Contest 2013!
Jaysen Shi

Junjie Lu - The 1st Place Winner of Chinese Essay青少年征文比赛是一项对青少年极有帮助的活动。我曾经参加过三次征文比赛,并且我感觉征文比赛的题目一年比一年更有挑战性。而且征文比赛可以让我们提高自身的写作能力。在图书馆举办的征文比赛可以通过两种不同语言的方式进行参赛,并且旧金山是一个蕴含着浓郁的多重语言城市,而这个征文比赛可以了解到不同语言之间的文化。我真心的为华埠图书馆举办的征文比赛而感到自豪。我盼望青少年征文比赛的活动能够拥有更多青少年踊跃参与并且这项活动能够越办越好一年更比一年强

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