Sunday, November 22, 2009

Teen'Zine Holiday Gaming Day

Friday, December 4, 2009, 3:30 - 5:30 pm

Saturday, January 16, 2010, 1-3 pm

Chinatown Branch Library, Community Meeting Room

Let's have some fun time at Chinatown Library. We will play Nintendo Wii games. Light refreshments will be served. It's a part of Teen'Zine program, free to tweens & teens ages 8-18 years old. For information, contact Jewel (415)355-2888 or


十二月四日, 星期五, 二零零九年, 下午三點半至五點半

一月十六日, 星期六, 二零一零年, 下午一點至三點


在這個冬季假期裡, 到華埠圖書館玩wii電玩遊戲, 備有免費點心, 參加者限八歲至十八歲青少年. 詳情請洽詢Jewel Chen, Tel: (415)355-2888 or